10 July 2008

Where in the World?....never in Tenerife

Hooray for the weather in Tenerife!

Poor, poor, poor people in rainy ole Blighty! all that rain whilst I'm bathed in sunshine all day, everyday.... although I do crave the odd rainshower or two. So, where was I? ..oh was it that long ago that I did the first blog? January...seriously? OMG!!!

We've now managed to get ourselves a property portfolio we can work with (as a start anyway). It's taken a while to pick only properties we want to list, as opposed to manky apartments that might look great on all these holiday lettings websites, but are really not as good as they seem.

I suppose quality comes with effort...and we seem to be putting a lot in..without much coming out the other end...but hey ho! ...nothing good can ever be done quickly...so I've been told anyway.

17 January 2008

Stage one: Dover to Calais - Fell at the first hurdle

Picture a beautiful Late Summer's day on the 22nd August 2007, slight breeze, a crisp blue sky dotted with cotton wool clouds the swallows in flight and a whiff of a cream tea and strawberry jam floating on the air!

This was what it was meant to be like, leaving to start a new life...full of hope and the chance to wave a white hanky over the side of the P&O ferry 'Pride of Kent' to all the relatives and friends, with a tentative tear in my eye


In actual fact, the weather was barely 10 degrees it was cold, grey, misty and windy with driving rain from the east, infact we didnt even think we'd get on the ferry the wind was so strong...we did.

We got on board, after prying ourselves out of the V90 Volvo Estate with all our wordly belongings (neatly packed in I might add) and ran to the Langhans Brasserie on board, as this is the place where we know they serve what could be our last decent good ole english meal...for me liver and onions and Nat sausages and mash...all washed down with a bottle of wine. We didnt care that the boat was rockin' round like a goodun we had all we needed.


After we had stuffed ourselves and were on the way back down to the car to land, Nat fell down the stairwell quite badly (not through drinking and she had sensible shoes!) as the floor was really slippy.


We landed in France to Nat in tears and in pain ...especially seeing as she had to squeeze back into the very neatly packed Volvo.

We stopped in Wissant - A great little sea village along the coast from Calais and Sangatte. We arrived at Natalie's parents Caravan in Hervelinghen (a quaint caravan and camping park in a valley)

Putting up the tent we'd had for 3 years and never used.

15 January 2008

Oh and I forgot to mention...

If you need any advice about visiting Tenerife on holiday or moving here permanently, we are more than happy to answer your questions...

London for me is soooooo over!

Both my business partner and I are in our mid thirties. We're getting away from London, where we have partied hard, worked hard, loved and hated, to do 'something else'. Corporate life was a drag...hating having to work in an office and do more hours than we got paid for. So, we've swapped all that to be somewhere, where the sun shines nearly everyday, where we can walk, explore, swim in the sea, meet new people, do new things...but at the moment we are both stuck in an office most days of the week, to set up our new business http://www.goingtenerife.com/
